Monday, July 20, 2009


Right now we're in the Ozarks, right in the heart of Missouri. There was a terrible thunderstorm, but we were rescued by a guy and his daughter, who brought us to his neighbors. Now we're staying with Charlie and Susie, retired educators who are spoiling us rotten. We had as much dinner as we could eat, and we did REAL laundry, not just rinsing in the sink with some shampoo:). They're so much fun! We're having a nightcap and chatting, so there really isn't too much time to blog.

There is definitely plenty to blog about....especially this one time that Bethany and I accidentally got hit with Grizzly Bear Mace. Good times:) More about that to come!


  1. I can't wait to hear about the Grizzly Bear Mace. I'm sure there must be a logical explanation about that incident(?!) Sounds like you are discovering the real America-- made up of kind people like Charlie and Susie. Have fun!

    Love, Aunt Prissy

  2. Rattle snakes and grizzly bear mace and thunderstorms, oh my!

    Your stories about the kindess of strangers are enchanting! Makes me feel so cynical and jaded back here in the urban jungle known as Miami...I think an adventure like yours should be required at some point during a person's life!

    Be careful out there! And of course, have fun!


  3. When do you make the big right turn and head south? Are you staying north through Nashvegas? That's Nashville for us Vandy types. And I cannot wait for all of the pictures. You have taken pictures, right?

    Keep on peddling. Lance and team Astana have nothin on you two.


  4. Hey Girls, Nice to hear that you two get spoiled once in awhile. You two deserve it!!
    Over 100 miles in a day??? Holy I get bored if we DRIVE over 100 miles!!

    Anyway, you guys be safe and remember to call if you need anything. Keep bloggin, love the stories.
    Nicole Johnson

  5. In reference to your "random thoughts" blog........"I'm gonna go see Dr. Finklestein and I'm gonna tell him we have a whole new bag of issues. We can forget about mom for a while. "--VV compliments of Wedding Crashers

    Oh, and I know you were on the edge of your tiny bike seats waiting for the day when i would actually post something.

  6. Hey girls, back in spokane,wa and reality. Hang in there and be safe. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks to nicole I finally found your blog.

  7. Next time I see a bike tourist in trouble I will stop and offer assistance on your behalf.

  8. I get chills from Bethany and you "hopping the fence" and getting to the rock's edge for a better view of the Gorge in Colorado. Bryce Canyon also was another "ooh ah" that got a closer peak. Chills translates to "chicken" when it comes to great heights and no fences. I loved your pictures as it was almost like "being there". You are getting close to "y'all" country. Hope the folks in the South are as open and friendly as you have encountered in the rest of the country thus far. Keep on truckin'...err bikin' and bloggin'


    Uncle Dave
